You're a Blessing Live Like It


You’re a Blessing live like it! Oftentimes we go throughout life in robotic mode, the everyday mundane routine and sometimes we forget just how important we truly are.

I was recently driving down the street on my way to Target with the kids and during my drive, I drove past this little church and on the church memo board it read’ "You’re a blessing live like it”

This was a sign for me, and as I drove, I thought to myself am I truly living my life as if I’m the blessing?

I know lately, my life has been so busy with moving and getting the kids and I settled in, so I had been focused on getting things in order and haven’t had the time to sit in gratitude with the Lord and thank him for all the blessings he has bestowed upon me.

From that moment on I made a promise to myself to live my life like a blessing and I was going to start right away.

One of the ways I told myself that I would start to live my life like a blessing is to live in the present moment. Sometimes it’s hard to just think about what’s in front of us, our mind is always racing and wondering about the next thing or thinking of what the future may bring and it can rob us of all the beautiful blessings in the present moment.

Another way I started to live my life like a blessing is by repeating Biblical Affirmations to myself. For example affirmations such as “I am chosen by God” “I am beautifully and wonderfully made” beautiful Biblical affirmations to help my mindset throughout the day. I noticed that when I repeat these to myself throughout the day it helps with my confidence and it does help me to live more confidently by reminding myself of how God feels about me to reassure myself.

Today, I want to encourage you to ask yourself, are you living your life as if “you’re the blessing?” are you taking time out to sit at the feet of Jesus and rest in gratitude and praise for all the blessings in your life? Are you living in the present moment and embracing all the beautiful things that the Lord says about you? If not, why not start today?

It's okay to remind yourself how awesome you are. You're a precious gift from God, and He has a purpose over your life. Don't ever think that He has forgotten about you. He wants you to live with Him at the center of your heart for everything. He wants you to live like the blessing that you are, this world needs you and you're the light, you’re loved and truly blessed! So, live like the blessing that you ARE! 

Scripture of the week: Ephesians 1:3

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places,


Your Sister in Christ

Camille Alane

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