Three months ago I was fed up. Yes, I was fed up with being the person that I was. I would be lying to you if I said life was always perfect and pretty like my Instagram. In fact, at one point it was completely the opposite.
As things looked perfect on the outside on the inside, I was broken I was tired of being the person that I was. My self-talk had become so negative I would walk past the mirror and say mean things to myself without even realizing that I was saying mean things to myself. Until one day, I walked past the mirror and just broke down in tears.
I felt lost, hurt, isolated, and empty. How could I allow myself to feel this way? Then the shame and guilt started. It wasn't long before I found myself on my shower floor crying. ( so dramatic, I know ) but I was in pain I needed answers to the prayers I had been praying for years. I felt distant from my family & friends. So what did I do? I did the only thing that I know how to do. I cried out to God and asked Him to help me. I actually begged him to help me. I felt trapped in the house of the enemy and needed saving immediately.
While praying, God placed a subtle thought in my heart. I heard the words "You were created in my image" and even though I heard this before for some reason I heard it differently this time and the fact I was hearing this while I was crying made me cry even harder. I got up and went to search for the verse that said I was made in God's image and I started reading every verse I could find on what God felt about me and how important I was to Him.
For the longest, I felt like my heart was stone cold from just the dealings of life that I was not allowing any love to flow through me, which would explain all the negative emotions I was feeling. When I read about how God designed us It blows my mind down how he made our brain, eyes, and fingernails our body is a machine that works on its own we don't have to remind ourselves to breathe It just does.
We are designed perfectly in the way that God wants us to be without a single mistake. Just like an inventor creates something he doesn't intend for this thing he built to have mistakes he makes it perfect and provides a manual on how to use it. Just like God created us and provided us with the Bible on how to live this life.
We are God's highest form of creation and If I wanted to cross the bridge from living in this old identity of the negative thoughts or negative self-image I had about myself I had to train myself to align my thoughts with the word of God and that's exactly what I started doing.
Today I want to encourage you to do the same. If you have been struggling with negative thoughts or just simply hating the person you are at this moment it is okay, you are not alone I have been there and at times I still have to fight my way to the top. The old identity or the negative experiences that you have been through is what is causing you to have this negative image of yourself.
The negative image does not align with the word of God & as long as you believe this negative image and continue to feed it with the things you tell yourself it will become true for you.
In order to cross the bridge and step into a new identity with Christ you have to let go of all the old things, patterns, and beliefs that you have about yourself. You have to change the perspective and the story you have been telling yourself for years, you have to see yourself as God sees you as unique, wonderfully made, and there's no one else like you. I want to encourage you today to grab a piece of paper and journal who you are vs. who you want to become an everyday start changing your inner dialogue and telling yourself good things about who you are and the person you are becoming.
If you want to be a person who spends time reading thier Bible and communicates with God you first have to see yourself as this person not as a person that never has time or is too busy. If you want to be a person in good shape who eats healthy and goes to the gym, well you first have to see yourself being this person before you can cross the bridge, if you see yourself as lazy you will be lazy, if you see yourself as a mess up my friend you will always be a mess up.
But if you see yourself as made in the image of God, His supreme masterpiece and a person that is active, healthy and full of life then it has no choice but to happen in your life, God thinks these things of you now. You just have to take the proper action so he can meet you half way and help you cross the bridge into your new identity. I hope this helps! Lets focus on alignining everything we think, say or do with the powerful word of God!
Ephesians 2:10
10 For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.
I love you!
Camille Alane
This word lifted my spirit today! I have been struggling in my relationship with Jesus. I rarely read my Bible or make time for church. After reading your blog I will make a point of seeing myself having a deep relationship with Jesus and allowing His word to fill and direct my life. Thank you for sharing!!
What a beautiful encouragement! I like this message you wrote:
If you want to be a person who spends time reading thier Bible and communicates with God you first have to see yourself as this person not as a person that never has time or is too busy. If you want to be a person in good shape who eats healthy and goes to the gym, well you first have to see yourself being this person before you can cross the bridge, if you see yourself as lazy you will be lazy, if you see yourself as a mess up my friend you will always be a mess up.
But if you see yourself as made in the image of God, His supreme masterpiece and a person that is active, healthy and full of life then it has no choice but to happen in your life, God thinks these things of you now.
I needed this word today. Thank you for the encouragement.
Thanks for this beautiful message.
Beautiful message